of contents
the author
From the publishers:
Tong is terrific! He debunks the buzz around popular self-help authors,
claiming that the self cannot be the agent of change on its own behalf.
Since it is the soul that experiences profound change, the self is but
a step-child; it may be the last to know things are different. However,
the soul cannot change on its own. It needs guidance.
Hyman, editor
Mighty Words
/ Fatbrain
of Human Transformation:
Real, Part 1
by Chris Tong,
Practical Spirituality
Series, Book 2
57 pages
Date Published: May 2000
ISBN: 0717354210
The impulse to change
springs out of dissatisfaction and unhappiness. But what change is actually
possible? And what bearing do approaches for change actually have on our
happiness? In this book we will examine a variety of approaches to transformation,
from Sigmund Freud’s psychotherapy, to Stephen Covey’s “7 Habits”, to
the self-transcending God-Realization of the great Spiritual Masters.
We will see how how such approaches vary in their presumptions about the
full depth of the human being (from animal-like to Divine); the faculties
available to a human being (including “higher” faculties); the natural
(or Divine) laws or principles with which human beings must be aligned;
how the heat that arises in the friction between old and new habits is
managed or endured; and what agents of transformation are available to
assist in the process of transformation (from therapists to Spiritual
We will conclude
that True Happiness is a matter of transcending the sense of being a separate
self, and being restored first to Communion with, and ultimately Identification
with God. This is a Spiritual and ultimately Divine matter that requires
the unrelenting transmission of Divine Grace only provided by the Spiritual
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